Menopause, PMS and PMDD

Hormone services in West London

Gain control of your hormones with individualised consultations with Dr Anna Cantlay, an Advanced Accredited British Menopause Society Specialist.

The comprehensive consultations will include evidence-based information and advice for the symptoms of Perimenopause, Menopause and Pre-menstrual syndromes.

Consultations are available both in person at our west London clinic, as well as virtual via our secure platform.

About Dr Anna Cantlay:

I’m Dr Anna Cantlay, a British Menopause Society Accredited Advanced Menopause Specialist and Women’s health GP.

As a GP, I have seen so many women struggle with their hormones and menstrual health and not had their symptoms taken seriously. I perused my own specialist training to be able to offer women the empathy and tailored treatment they deserve. I am an expert in female hormones, including menopause care and the treatment of Premenstrual Syndromes.

I’m passionate about improving women’s health and closing the gender inequalities gap in healthcare. I founded Eve Health to not only provide better clinical care, but also to empower women to take control of their hormones with our hormone masterclasses. No fads, just evidenced-based care.

What I treat:
• Perimenopause
• Menopause
• Early Menopause
• Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
• Vaginal Atrophy and Genito-urinary Syndrome
• Hyposexual Desire Disorder relating to menopause
• Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
• Menopause after cancer (Please communicate with your oncology team prior to booking a consultation and provide relevant clinic letters)